Friday, August 21, 2015

It's like we live on the other side of the planet

Last Saturday, the husband and his parents moved our college junior into her new apartment at a large Texas university. I must admit, I was kinda sad to miss the occasion. You see, for the past two years I've flown with her to South Carolina to help her move into her dorm and apartment. In January of this year, I also made the trek to her new transfer uni back in Texas to get her moved into the sorority house. This year I'm stuck over here in England unable to help at all.

Mind you, I'm not missing the heavy lifting. And sweating. But I am sad about the fact that I didn't get to meet the new roommates and their parents. Or get to run around and make last minute purchases for the new digs. Plus I need a new college hoodie to represent over here in Europe like all of the other Americans that think it's appropriate to go abroad with their favourite high school, college or pro team logo on their shirt, hat, backpack, keychain, pen, sunglasses, etc. But I didn't get to make a run to the local bookstore for the above college items.

The grandparents snapped a few pics and sent them to me. So yeah, I'll admit the exterior of the apartment complex, brand new this year, looks lovely. 

But I still want to see what the inside looks like and I'm getting no cooperation from my incommunicado child. She's busy with rush prep, but surely she could take a couple phone pics and send them to me. I've asked her to do this a couple times now and so I know she knows I want to see it. And I know she knows it's driving nosey me nuts that she hasn't coughed up the photos yet. I love her dearly, but she can be sooo irritating sometimes. Maybe I'll just make a run up there in October when I'm back in Texas (for a little medical procedure, yo) so we can have lunch and I can FINALLY satisfy my curiosity about where she's living.

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