Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Cement Pond

When we did our walk-thru with the purchase of the remodel house back in January, the owner mentioned that he was pretty sure the pool pump has a small leak. Just to be on the safe side, and not wanting to burn up the motor if the water level got too low, we erred on the side of caution and turned it all off. The recirculator, Polaris, everything.

Thanks to all of the great oak trees shading the pool area, a mixed blessing to be certain, we've now got a big mess with the spring leaf drop in full swing.

Reps from two different pool companies came out to give the pool and equipment a look-see this morning. One guy said the pool plaster is an upgraded finish that's still good to go. The other company said it feels "soft" (whatever that means) and needs to be replastered. There's no denying the tile and coping have to be addressed. Plus any leaky pump issues. 

And thus we'll have to pour some more hard earned cash into our own little real estate money pit since this has become one big domino fall. If you do x, then you have to do y. And if y is upgraded, then we also need to address z. It's gonna look great once the remodel is complete if we can reno A-Z without having to sell our plasma down at the local blood bank to pay for our real estate dream home. 

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